Mastering Your Anne Pro 2 Keyboard: A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Lightning Profiles with ObinsKit (With Free Presets!)

Whether it's a subtle ambiance or a dynamic color show, you'll learn how to navigate the ObinsKit program to craft mesmerizing lighting effects that reflect your unique personality. Say goodbye to dull typing and hello to a keyboard that shines as bright as you do!


8/25/20232 min read

Step 1: Downloading and Installing ObinsKit

To embark on this journey of keyboard illumination, you'll need the ObinsKit software. Here's how to get started:

  1. Navigate to the ObinsKit Website: Head over to to access the official ObinsKit website.

  2. Download the Software: Look for the download link that corresponds to your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux), and initiate the download.

  3. Installation: Once the download is complete, follow the on-screen instructions to install ObinsKit on your computer. Launch the program after installation.

Step 2: Connecting Your Anne Pro 2 Keyboard

Before you can start creating mesmerizing lighting profiles, you'll need to establish a connection between your Anne Pro 2 keyboard and the ObinsKit software. Here's how:

  1. USB Connection

    1. Turn off the Bluetooth switch on the back of the keyboard

    2. Connect your computer with a USB cable

  2. Bluetooth Connection

    1. Turn on the Bluetooth switch on the back of the keyboard

    2. Refer to chapter 4 of the Anne Pro 2 user manual here

Step 3: Navigating ObinsKit

Now that your keyboard is connected, it's time to explore the ObinsKit software:

  1. Main Interface: ObinsKit's user-friendly interface welcomes you with various options. Navigate through the menus to get acquainted with the different settings you can customize.

  2. Light Section: Locate the light section. This is where the magic happens!

Step 4: Creating Your Lighting Profile

  1. Choosing Effects: ObinsKit offers an array of lighting effects, from static colors to dynamic animations. Select your desired effect from the available options.

  2. Color Customization: Experiment with different colors to create a palette that resonates with you. You can choose single colors or gradients for a more dynamic look.

(optional) Step 5: Import lightning presets

  1. Download a preset: You can download presets from the internet or download a preset pack here.

  2. Import the preset: Once the file is done downloading, unzip the file and click "import" in under "profile detail" in ObinsKit. select the .json files and upload them.


From downloading the software to designing and applying personalized lighting profiles, this comprehensive guide equips you with the knowledge to illuminate your typing experience. Unleash your imagination and metamorphose your keyboard into a captivating centerpiece that mirrors your style and individuality. Enjoy your enhanced typing experience, where every keystroke is accompanied by a visual symphony of light. Happy typing!